Sananga, Tabernaemontana Undulata, is a medicinal plant native to the Amazon rainforest. Sananga’s active ingredient, ibogaine, has been in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including:
dry and red eyes
eye infections
chronic headaches.
It’s believed to have psychosomatic effects, helping to alleviate depression and other negative emotional states.
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid, that works by modulating various neurotransmitter systems in the brain. This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties.
It can reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to the eyes.
Being psychosomatic, it may help patients cope with the emotional burden of chronic pain and other conditions.
When using Sananga eye drops, prepare for a strong burning sensation. Burning is a side effect of the ibogaine and is no cause for concern. To minimize discomfort, breathe deeply and try to remain calm. The burning sensation is said to mimic the pain that the patient is experiencing, creating a sort of sympathetic resonance between the plant medicine and the individual.
The intensity of the burning sensation is actually a sign that the medication is working effectively, it means a decrease in inflammation or an improvement in blood flow to the eyes.
As the medicine penetrates the eye and makes it’s journey to the bloodstream, it begins to move throughout the body, seeking out and destroying the root causes of the disease. The same treatment will also strengthen the immune system and restore balance to overall health and wellbeing. Continued use of Sananga eye drops will facilitate the full therapeutic benefit.